Brand Manager Cover Letter Example (+Writing Tips)

brand manager

Brand management is an exciting and ever-evolving career field. Though it has evolved a lot over the past several years. Brand managers today not only need to have top-notch creative skills, but they also need to be comfortable with digital brand analytics tools and multi-touch point brand experience design. 

At the same time, brand managers need to have strong interpersonal skills as they are working with a variety of teams — Sales, Product Development, Marketing, and even Customer Support. 

Packing such as wide skillset into a one-page cover letter is no small task. To help you out, we’ve created a sample brand manager cover letter you can use as a reference for writing (and sneaked in some extra writing tips!). 

Brand Manager Cover Letter Sample (Word)

cover letter example for a brand manager

Download example (.docx)

Cover Letter for Brand Manager (Plain Text)

Hi Cava team,

Do you know how Cava craft beers could get a bigger market share in California? By targeting an overlooked secondary audience — Millennial women under 25. I took the liberty to analyze Cava’s marketing campaigns over 2020-21 and figured out that none directly spoke to women. Beer Academy survey data notes that male-oriented advertising pushes as many as 30% of women away from purchasing beers. So how about we challenge that together?

I’m Neveah Jones, a CPG brand marketer of 15 years. During my tenure with Pepsi Co, Almeca Wines, and BrewDog, I’ve launched over 80 brand marketing campaigns for beverages across TV, OOH, and social channels. You might “know me” from the BrewDog “Advert” cross-channel campaign in 2019 (which you either loved or hated), but it did work for us leading to a 15% lift in brand reconsideration.  

Apart from guiding in-house creative teams, I also have significant experience in collaborating with agencies and video production firms: 85% of the projects I’ve managed were delivered on budget. Prior to transitioning to in-house brand management, I served as an Account Executive with Palm Springs Ad agency for 3 years. This role has helped me develop strong interpersonal and negotiation skills. Plus, being an “insider” now helps me better talk to agency partners. 

So how about we make Cave craft beers then next-go to drink for Millenial women in Cali? I look forward to sharing more of my ideas during an interview.

Let’s talk. 

(No, really).

Neveah Jones.

Cover Letter Writing Tips for Brand Managers 

Brand managers don’t need to be reminded twice about the importance of making the right impression. But marketing products isn’t the same as marketing yourself.

So if you’ve hit a bit of a roadblock with your cover letter writing (even after reading the above sample), try this:

  1. Build a cover letter outline first, mapping the key sections 
  2. Add some of your biggest “bragging rights” and accomplishments
  3. Punch up your cover letter opening with an elevator pitch
  4. Review, edit, and submit! 

And here are some extra tips to apply as you work on your draft. 

Don’t Be Generic – Be Special 

Generic cover letters don’t work for most job applications. They are instantly seen as “lazy” and do nothing to get you close to landing an interview. 

Your goal is to be specific. Do some research about the company’s brand. Then pitch them with a new brand marketing idea like the letter above boldly does. Alternatively, you can point out some shortcomings in the product or issues in other areas of their brand experience.

Show that you did some in-depth research and are ready to get into action if hired! 

Highlight your Successes

Proving brand performance is tough, but not impossible. Show that you aren’t just a creative person, but actually have a “method behind your madness” by sharing some quantifiable wins and results. You can talk about specific campaign results in terms of improved aided brand recall, increased brand awareness rates, or other types of brand tracking metrics.  

Showcasing specific successes in your cover letter gives you an upper hand over candidates who struggle to relay the value of their work in concrete terms. 

Use a Strong Introduction

You want your cover letters to be subtle, but at the same time, you want to keep your audience, the hiring manager, engaged.

Instead of a trite “thanks for considering me” line open your cover letter with a stronger statement:

  • Highlight your major career accomplishment (with some numbers)
  • Show your passion for the brand, industry, or profession in general 
  • Drop a name the reader might know (shared connection, popular brand you’ve worked with, etc) 
  • Dish out some flattery and admiration for the company 

Learn more about writing the perfect cover letter opening line

Final Tip: Finish Bold Too 

A powerful cover letter closing statement is as important as a strong introduction. Don’t be meek here. Instead, pitch the next action — meeting up to talk more. 

Also, you can show a bit of your creativity with some cheeky world play (after all, you are a brand manager). For example, a person writing a cover letter for a Job at Lego might end their letter with “I look forward to building more with you”. Strategize if you could somehow reference a brand slogan or some catchphrase/word in your closing paragraph for that final hook.

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