Report: Killing Clean Power Plan Could Cost Nation 560,000 Potential Jobs
If the Trump administration’s efforts to roll back the Clean Power Plan (CPP) are successful, the nation could miss out on 560,000 potential jobs and a boost of $ 52 billion to the gross domestic product (GDP), according to a report released by Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2).
“From states with relatively small populations like Maine and Montana to highly populated states like Florida, the CPP could have substantial employment and economic benefits — benefits that would disappear with the Trump Administration’s repeal of the policy,” the June 21 report says.
The CPP has been a thorn in the side of coal proponents since it was proposed in 2014. The rule requires states to develop action plans to meet state-specific, federally-set carbon emissions reduction goals for existing coal-fired power plants.
According to the E2 report, implementation of the CPP would result in the creation of up to 560,000 jobs and add up to $ 52 billion to the nation’s GDP. Those benefits will be lost if the rule is weakened or rescinded, the report says.…