Hobbies on Resume: When, Where, and What To List
Many people will tell you that hobbies don’t belong on a resume. They’ll say that it’s fluff and a waste of space. After all, shouldn’t you keep work and play separate? Nope, not always!
Many employers seek out not just qualified people, but those who’ll bode well with the workplace dynamic, could bring different perspectives to the table, and vibe with the company’s values.
These factors don’t easily come across standard resume sections like work experience or education. But your list of hobbies and interests can hit that.
The key, however, is getting it right. Not every hobby or interest is worth including on your resume (e.g., “Netflix and chill”). So here are some pointers to help you determine when and what interests and hobbies to put on your resume.
Should You Put Hobbies on a Resume?
Yes, according to Nolan Church, former Google recruiter, and Head of Talent at DoorDash, listing hobbies on a resume is a good idea to differentiate as a candidate. …