Eaton Helps Build China Field Hospitals in Battle Against Coronavirus

The post Eaton Helps Build China Field Hospitals in Battle Against Coronavirus appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Power management company Eaton and its partner electrical contractors and distributors recently completed a construction project to build two new field hospitals in Wuhan, China. The project delivered an additional 2,500 hospital beds to the region, which has been considered ground zero for the COVIT-19 global pandemic.

Eaton’s energy solutions are helping provide electricity to the Huoshenshan and Leishenshan hospitals. The facilities were built in just 10 days.

“When the request for help came in, it was the day before our Spring Festival, China’s most important holiday,” Howard Liu, president of Eaton’s Electrical Sector—Asia-Pacific region, told POWER. “Despite being out on leave as is normal during this time, our team members from logistics and manufacturing, as well as our partner distributors and electrical contractors responded right away. We leveraged all of our available resources across many departments, offices and cities to help deliver the additional hospital beds in the country’s fight against the fast-spreading virus.”

Liu continued: “I want to highlight that both Eaton employees and our partners were closely working together on this, demonstrating highly efficient and effective teamwork. This is a real-life case of our brand promise—we make what matters work.”

Workers in China, in concert with multinational power management company Eaton, have moved to quickly build field hospitals in Wuhan, China, in an effort to support medical workers battling the spread of COVID-19, the coronavirus. Eaton and its construction partners are supporting frontline medical teams’ ability to deliver prompt diagnosis and treatment with minimal operational disruptions, delivering the newly built facilities in just days. Eaton mobilized emergency response teams in China to power the new Huoshenshan and Leishenshan hospitals. Courtesy: Eaton

The effort to design and build two hospitals in a matter of days required constant, reliable power. Eaton mobilized its emergency response teams in China to help.

“Working in the field complicates access to a steady and reliable power supply, which can be a matter of life and death when critical medical equipment is involved,” said Liu. “Eaton is committed to providing high-performance solutions to everyday heroes on the frontlines—on typical days and in moments of crisis.”

The Wuhan Power Supply Bureau made the request for help to get electricity to the new hospitals. Both the Huoshenshan and Leishenshan facilities needed to be connected to utility-grade power. Eaton and its local partner, Wuhan Chaote Network Technology Co., had workers on-site day and night to help connect the main power supply at both hospitals, and they provided the medium-voltage cable accessories supporting power distribution.

Eaton provided three units of uninterruptible power supplies and 112 sets of batteries. This equipment is enabling healthcare digitalization, and powering the equipment for analyzing blood tests and monitoring patients, as well as supporting emergency backup. Eaton within 24 hours of Wuhan’s request delivered the circuit protection supporting critical CT equipment onsite at Huoshenshan Hospital. This diagnostic equipment is critical to rapid response and treatment of coronavirus symptoms. Eaton power management solutions are in place to protect sophisticated diagnostic imaging machines from downtime.

—POWER staff (@POWERmagazine)


The post Eaton Helps Build China Field Hospitals in Battle Against Coronavirus appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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