Category: Energy Jobs
Brazil: Energy, protocols and passwords
Energy, protocols and passwords On the institutional sites of energy companies, especially those that distribute energy, the "corporate governance" is impressive. Unconditional respect for minorities, practices associated with good principles, care for all stakeholders is declared as well as for the environment. Ah, of course, statement of the "ultimate"..
Energy Central…
Are mini-grids really the ultimate solution to sub-Saharan Africa’s trailing electrification efforts?
Today, a mere google search of the phrase ‘mini-grid potential in sub-Saharan Africa’ gives an overwhelming number of relevant results ranging above 4 million in a search time less than a minute. While this means there is an undeniable and thrilling potential of off-grid solutions backed up with articles, journals, papers, and research with dominating focus on solar mini-grid..
Energy Central…
Be Careful What You Wish For: Natural Gas/Propane Water Heater Bans Would Increase Both Carbon Emissions AND Energy Costs in 36 States
Laws passed in California, New York, and several other states to ban natural gas and propane water heating are often presented as models for the rest of the nation. However, an independent study finds that this policy would increase carbon emissions in 36 states by an average of 6 % and increase household energy cost by $ 176 per year. Study results are based on ZIP-level..
Energy Central…
Ports, Brazil | Offshore Wind and Hydrogen
Ports, Brazil | Offshore Wind and Hydrogen Hydrogen Brazil
Energy Central…
Reliability and Resilience within Competitive Markets – OurEnergyPolicy Event Summary
This event summary highlights key comments made by industry experts at an OEP webinar in March 2023. Featuring panelists from the Energy Choice Coalition, Edison Electric Institute, and C3 Solutions in a discussion on competition in energy markets and issues of cost, reliability and resiliency. View the recording on
Energy Central…