The POWER Podcast
The POWER Podcast Archive:
Worried About Climate Change? Save Nuclear Plants
Interview with Nuclear Matters Advocacy Council member, Carol Browner. Browner is a former U.S. Environmental Protection Agency administrator and former energy and climate change senior advisor to President Obama.
Reversing Climate Change with Nuclear Power
Interview with Bret Kugelmass, managing director of the Energy Impact Center.
Lithium-Ion Batteries: Costs Down, Benefits Up
Interview with Tony Cooper, general manager of Green Cubes Technology’s Motive division.
How to Monitor and Predict Operational Performance with Digital Analytics
Interview with Thomas Dhollander, CTO and co-founder of TrendMiner, and Nick Petrosyan, data analytics engineer with TrendMiner.
Future May Not Be as Rosy as It Seems for Natural Gas
Interview with Tom Baker, a partner and managing director in Boston Consulting Group’s (BCG’s) San Francisco office, and Alex Dewar, senior manager with the Center for Energy Impact in BCG’s Washington, D.C., office.
Power Company Business Models Are Evolving
Interview with Aaron Zahn, managing director and CEO of JEA.…